All you need to know about writing efficient drum charts that will make your drummer happy and produce great results fast. The ultimate guide to drum-charting!
We'll manually edit portions of tracks that contain little material that was meant to be recorded, but a lot of unwanted "cross-talk" signal. This is the case with toms.
Gating is a process in which a processor (a plugin) reduces or completely removes sound under a certain sound level (threshold). We are going to gate snare drum and the kick drum, but using different techniques.
You can greatly manipulate the characteristics of a sound with an EQ. It is one of the most precise sound-sculpting tools. Learn how to use it properly to bring out the characteristics of drums, while hiding unwanted overtones.
Phase-aligning multiple microphones is a critical step in achieving the fullest drum sound. Elements of the drum set can disappear from the mix if not properly in phase. Learn what to do and how to ensure all of your tracks are in-phase with one another.
Remember the good old days when records were cut using only the finest session players around? Rhythm sections would record a take after take until THE take would satisfy the producer.Well, many things have changed in the last two decades. While computers have enabled most musicians to bring their ideas to fruition, so have they enabled mediocre ...
So, you have worked on your songs for 2 years now, arrangements are ready and you've booked a studio to record your debut album. Your mate Dave, a drummer that you've played some gigs with should do the job fine and it will save you a few bucks. Or so you think!
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